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Naturopathic Philosophies

First Do No Harm

Naturopathic Doctors vow to use the least force necessary to diagnose and treat patients. 

Vis Medicatrix Naturae

This translates to "The Healing Power of Nature." We recognize the inherent self-healing ability of the human body. We work with patients to remove obstacles to healing and to facilitate the body's self-healing capabilities.

Identify and Treat the Causes

We work closely with our patients to find the root cause of disease rather than eliminate or suppress symptoms.

Treat the Whole Person

We treat each patient by taking into account each patient's physical, mental, emotional, social, genetic, environmental, spiritual and other factors that impact one's health.

Doctor as Teacher

Doctor translates to teacher. We look to educate our patients and encourage them to take control of their health. 


We emphasize the prevention of disease by assessing risk factors, family history and susceptibility to disease while intervening at appropriate times. 

Treat the Individual

Every human being is absolutely unique; genetically, structurally, biochemically and psychologically. Our assessment of each patient must be done with the principles above and our treatment specific to each individual patient. 

The Therapeutic Order

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Naturopathic Medicine follows the principle that there is a time and place for everything. Some patients may need fewer interventions than others depending on the illness and a variety of factors. We work with our patients, only prescribing what is necessary to optimize their health. 

Establish the Foundations for Optimal Health

Determinants of health include nutrition, hydration, stress, illnesses, environmental toxins, mental and emotional support, physical health, etc. We address all these factors. 

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Stimulate the Self-Healing Mechanisms

All Naturopathic Modalities stimulate the natural healing process of the body. My personal favorites are homeopathy, hydrotherapy and acupuncture!

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Support and Restore Weakened Systems

There are times when specific organ systems need a little extra support - like the immune system during a cold or the musculoskeletal system when you sprain your ankle. Any modality can be used here too!

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Address Physical Alignment

Structural integrity affects how different organ systems function, such as lymphatic drainage, the cardiovascular system or the nervous system. Modalities such as physical medicine, massage and acupuncture are great at restoring physical alignment.

Natural Symptom Relief

This level is known as "Green allopathy," the use of natural modalities for the management of certain symptoms or diseases, such as natural pain relief or natural thyroid supplementation in hypothyroidism.

Synthethic Symptom Control

This includes the conventional use of pharmaceutical prescriptions for specific pathologies. For Naturopathic Doctors, this is dependent on the scope of practice in the state. I am able to prescribe in NH, but not MA. 

Forceful Interventions

There are certain conditions that need higher force interventions such as surgery for acute appendicitis or chemotherapy for certain cancers.

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